
MG12 is the 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity and Gravitation and is an official celebration of the United Nations 2009 Year of Astronomy. It will be held for the first time in Paris, France, hosted jointly by ICRANet, UNESCO and ICTP and some of the most celebrated Academic institutions in the "Latin Quarter" including the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), the Paris Observatory and the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS). UNESCO has generously offered its headquarters for the morning plenary sessions and many of the afternoon parallel sessions, while the remaining afternoon parallel sessions will be hosted by these academic institutions.

Paris is a lovely destination city to visit all year round but the timing of the meeting could not be better. The July weather is typically warm and sunny, and the Tuesday of the meeting week is Bastille Day, a day of national celebration that is especially actively celebrated in the nation's capital, which sees Paris turn into a big party town with dancing in the streets, concerts, fireworks, and a frenzy of activities for those lucky enough to be present to enjoy them. Tuesday afternoon will be free of meeting activities so participants can take part in these events.

The conference banquet will be an elegant catered event held at the UNESCO headquarters on Wednesday evening. Additional tickets are available for accompanying persons.

For those who arrive in time, early on-site registration and already registered check-in will take place Sunday afternoon at the Ecole Normal Superieure, as well as each morning at UNESCO preceding the plenary sessions. The meeting will officially open with the first plenary session Monday morning, followed by five more morning plenary sessions, closing at the end of the Saturday plenary session. Four afternoons of 3-4 hour parallel sessions will take place Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Click here to download the complete MG12 program.

- News
- Registration [new deadline June 15]
Publications  - Titles & Abstracts
 - Proceedings
General Information  - Information about Paris
 - Travel and Meals
 - Hotel reservations
Participants  - Preliminary List
Contacts  - Contact us
Links  - MG12 Homepage
 - ICRA Homepage
 - ICRANet Homepage
 - Sponsors