
Donato Bini (Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. picone", CNR; ICRA)
Cristian Cherubini (Università Campus Bio-Medico Roma; ICRA)
Fernando De Felice
(Phys. Dept. University of Padova)
Andrea Geralico (ICRA, Phys. Dept. University of Rome "La Sapienza")
Robert T.Jantzen (ICRA, Villanova Univ., USA)
Remo Ruffini
(ICRA, Phys. Dept. University of Rome "La Sapienza")

Topics of research


Selected Publications 1970-2000 Publications Jan. 2001- Jan. 2002











La ricerca di questo settore ?indirizzata principalmente allo studio di fenomeni fisici in Relativit?generale analizzati nell'ambito di un dato riferimento. Cos? facendo si reintroducono nello spazio tempo 4- dimensionale le ordinarie nozioni di spazio e tempo separate (con una tecnica detta appunto "splitting" dello spazio tempo), che sono essenziali per qualsiasi osservatore che faccia misure. Le varie tecniche di splitting e le applicazioni connesse trovano una collocazione naturale nel "gravitoelettromagnetismo" (ovvero una analogia formale che si pu?porre tra gravit?ed elettromagnetismo) ed ?in questo quadro che vengono appunto approfondite. Il gravitoelettromagnetismo si rivela poi il linguaggio pi?opportuno per lo splitting stesso: chiaro, espressivo, accessibile, ovvero si offre per una standardizzazione della terminologia con l'ovvio vantaggio di collegare risultati e scuole di relativisti che per troppo tempo hanno lavorato isolatamente. Per quanto non essenziale (l'unificazione dello spazio e del tempo in un unico assoluto: lo spazio-tempo si pu?senz'altro dire la pi? grande conquista della relativit?generale; passare dal punto di vista 4 dimensionale ad uno 3+1 significa abbandonare la "geometrizzazione della gravitazione" per un approccio pi?"fisico" della stessa), la necessit?dello splitting dello spazio tempo della relatrivit?generale si evidenzia in numerose applicazioni. Di fatto uno splitting ?utile in spazi tempi dotati di speciali simmetrie; per esempio il caso stazionario, che include metriche tipo black hole oppure il caso di spazi omogenei che hanno interesse cosmologico. Di qui la motivazione principale ad investigare il problema. Risultati preliminari relativi allo studio del moto di particelle di prova, particelle relativistiche con spin, e fludi in numerosi spazi tempi sono gi?stati pubblicati. Attualmente ?in fase di studio la possibilit?di applicare le varie tecniche anche al caso del moto di campi quantistici "di prova" su un background gravitazionale assegnato.








Selected Pubblications 1991-2000:


  1. R.T. Jantzen, "Gravito-What Fields?", in book: 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation: Abstracts of Contributed Papers, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1989, 85 .
  2. R.T. Jantzen, P. Carini , "Understanding Spacetime Splittings and Their Relationships", in book: Classical Mechanics and Relativity: Relationship and Consistency , (G. Ferrarese, Ed.), Bibliopolis, Naples, 1991, 185-241
  3. R.T.Jantzen, P.Carini, D.Bini: "The many faces of Gravitoelectromagnetism" Annals of Phys., Vol.215 (1-50), 1992;
  4. D.Bini, P.Carini, R.T.Jantzen: "Gravitoelectromagnetism: applications to Rotating Minkowski, Godel and kerr spacetimes" Acts of  "The sixth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity", Kyoto, 1991;
  5. R.T.Jantzen, P.Carini, D.Bini: "Gravitoelectromagnetism: relativity of splitting formalisms", Acts of   "The sixth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General relativity", Kyoto, 1991;
  6. D.Bini, P.Carini, R.T.Jantzen: "Applications of gravitoelectromagnetism to rotating spacetimes", Acts of  "Third Italian-Korean Symposium on Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics", Seoul, 1991;
  7. R. T.Jantzen, P.Carini, D.Bini: "Gravitoelectromagnetism: relativity of splitting formalisms", Acts of   "Third Italian-Korean Symposium on Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics", Seoul, 1991;
  8. R.T.Jantzen, P.Carini: "Understanding spacetime splitting and their relationship" Acts of the meeting "Fisica matematica Classica e relativita': Rapporti e Compatibilit?quot;, Ed. G.Ferrarese, 1992;
  9. R.T. Jantzen, P. Carini, D. Bini , "The Many Faces of Gravitoelectromagnetism", Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 215, 1-50 (1992)
  10. .D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "Applications of Gravitoelectromagnetism to Rotating Spacetimes ", in book: Proceedings of the Third Italian-Korean Astrophysics Meeting (S. Kim, H. Lee, K.T. Kim, Eds.), J. Korean Phys. Soc. 25, S190-200 (1992).
  11. R.T. Jantzen, P. Carini, D. Bini, "Gravitoelectromagnetism: Relativity of Splitting Formalisms ", in book: Proceedings of the Third Italian-Korean Astrophysics Meeting (S. Kim, H. Lee, K.T. Kim, Eds.), J. Korean Phys. Soc. 25, S230-240 (1992) .
  12. R.T. Jantzen, D. Bini, P. Carini , "Gravitoelectromagnetic Analysis of Minkowski, G\"odel, and Kerr Spacetimes ", in book: 13th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation: Abstracts of Contributed Papers (P.W. Lamberti and O.E. Ortiz, Eds.), 1992, 48
  13. P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "Gravitoelectromagnetism and the Single Gyro",   in book: Proceedings of the First William Fairbank Meeting on Relativistic Experiments in Space (September 1990) (R. Ruffini and M. Demianski, Eds.), World Scientific Press, Singapore, 135-160, 1993.
  14. R.T. Jantzen, P. Carini, D. Bini , " Gravitoelectromagnetism: Relativity of Splitting Formalisms ", in book: Proceedings of the Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (1991), (H. Sato and T. Nakamura, Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, 135-137.
  15. D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "Gravitoelectromagnetism: Applications to Rotating Minkowski, G\"odel, and Kerr Spacetimes ", in book: Proceedings of the Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (1991), (H. Sato and T. Nakamura, Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, 1622-1624
  16. R.T.Jantzen, P.Carini, D.Bini: "Gravitoelectromagnetism and inertial forces in general relativity", Proceedings of  "The seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity", Stanford, USA, 1994;
  17. R.T.Jantzen, P.Carini, D.Bini: "Gravitoelectromagnetism: further application", Proceedings of  "The seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity", Stanford, USA, 1994;
  18. D.Bini, P.Carini, R.T.Jantzen, D.Wilkins: "Thomas precession in post- Newtonian gravitoelectromagnetism", Phys.Rev.D, Vol.49, (2820- 2827), 1994;
  19. D.Bini, P.Carini, R.T.Jantzen: "Relative observer Kinematics in General Relativity" submitted at Classical and Quantum Gravity, 1994;
  20. R.T.Jantzen, P.Carini:, D. Bini "Understanding spacetime splitting and their relationship", monograph in preparation.
  21. D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen, D. Wilkins, "Thomas Precession in Post-Newtonian Gravitoelectromagnetism" , Phys. Rev. D 49, 2820-2827 (1994)
  22. D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "Relative Observer Kinematics in General Relativity" , Class. Quantum Grav. 12, 2549-2563 (1995) .
  23. R.T. Jantzen, D. Bini, P. Carini , "Gravitoelectromagnetism: Just a Big Word?" , in book: Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, (1994) (R.T. Jantzen and G.M. Keiser, Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, 133-152.  
  24. D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "Gravitoelectromagnetism: Further Applications" , in book: Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, (1994) (R.T. Jantzen and G.M. Keiser, Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1996
  25. P. Carini, D. Bini, R.T. Jantzen , "Gravitoelectromagnetism and Inertial Forces in General Relativity" , in book: Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, (1994) (R.T. Jantzen and G.M. Keiser, Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, 519-521
  26. D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "The Intrinsic Derivative and Centrifugal Forces. I: Theoretical Foundations" , Int. J. Mod. Phys. D6, 1-38 (1997)
  27. D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "The Intrinsic Derivative and Centrifugal Forces. II: Applications to Some Familiar, Stationary Axisymmetric Spacetimes" , Int. J. Mod. Phys. D6, 143-198 (1997)
  28. D. Bini, A. Merloni, R.T. Jantzen , "Adapted Frames for Spacetime Splittings with an Additional Observer Family" , Nuovo Cim. B 113B , 611-620 (1997)
  29. D. Bini, P. Carini, R.T. Jantzen , "The Inertial Forces / Test Particle Motion Game" , Proceedings of the Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (1997) (T., Piran, Ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1998, 376-397
  30. D. Bini, A. Merloni, R.T. Jantzen , "Circular Orbits in the Kerr Spacetime: Centrifugal Forces and Anti-Newtonian Behaviour" , Proceedings of the Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (1997) (T., Piran, Ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1998, 407-409
  31. D. Bini, A. Merloni, R.T. Jantzen , "Geometric interpretation of the Frenet-Serret frame description of circular orbits in, stationary axisymmetric spacetimes" ,   Class. Quantum Grav. 16, 1333-1348 (1999)
  32. D. Bini, F. de Felice, R.T. Jantzen , "Absolute and Relative Frenet-Serret Frames and Fermi-Walker Transport" , Class. Quantum Grav. 16, 2105-2124 (1999)
  33. D. Bini, R.T. Jantzen, A. Merloni , "Absolute and Relative Frenet-Serret Frames for Accelerated Black Hole Circular Orbits" , Proceedings of the First ICRA Network Workshop on the Lense-Thirring Effect (1998) (C., Sigismondi, Ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1999, 000-028, 2000
  34. D. Bini, R.T. Jantzen , "Circular Orbits in Kerr Spacetime: Equatorial Plane Embedding Diagrams" , Class. Quantum Grav. 17, 1637-1647 (2000).
  35. Bini D., Gemelli G., Ruffini R., Spinning test particles in general relativity: nongeodesic motion in the Reissner-Nordstr"om spacetime, Physical Review D, vol. 61, 064013, 2000.
  36. Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Circular orbits in Kerr spacetime: equatorial plane embedding diagrams, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol 17, 1-11, 2000.
  37. Bini D., de Felice F., Gyroscopes and gravitational waves, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol 17, 4627-4635, 2000.
  38. Bini D., Jantzen R.T. Gravitoelectromagnetism: a tool for observer-dependent interpretation of spacetime physics,. Il Nuovo Cimento, vol 115B, n. 070809, Luglio-Settembre 2000, pag.713.
  39. Bini D., de Felice F. Gyroscopes and Gravitational Waves, in Gravitational Waves, Ed. by I. Ciufolini, V. Gorini, U. Moschella, P. Fre, IOP, Pub., 2000. Cap. 15, pag 268-279.












Publications Jan. 2001- Jan. 2002:


  1. Bini D., Jantzen R.T. Spacetime Splitting Techniques and Gravitoelectromagnetism in General Relativity, In Proceedings of the XXIII Spanish Relativity Valladolid, 6-9 September 2000 (Pag. 1-12). Editors J.F. Pascual-S?chez, World Scientific Singapore, 2001 (ISBN 981-02-4631-5). BD invited speaker.
  2. Bini D., Jantzen R.T. Gravitoelectromagnetism: Applications to Black Hole Circular Orbits, In Proceedings of the XXIII Spanish Relativity Meeting 6-9 September 2000 (Pag. 13-24). Editors J.F. Pascual-S?chez, World Scientific Singapore, 2001 (ISBN 981-02-4631-5). BD invited speaker.
  3. Bini D., Jantzen R.T. A List of References on Spacetime Splitting and Gravitoelectromagnetism, In Proceedings of the XXIII Spanish Relativity Meeting, 6-9 September 2000 (Pag. 199-224). Editors J.F. Pascual-S?chez, World Scientific Singapore, 2001 (ISBN 981-02-4631-5). BD invited speaker. arXiv:gr-qc/0010070
  4. Bini D., Germani C., Jantzen R.T., Gravitoelectromagnetism and the integral formulation of Maxwell's equations, International Journal of Modern Physics D, vol 10, No. 5, 633-647, 2001.
  5. Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Mashhoon B., Gravitomagnetism and Relative Observer Clock, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 18, 653-670, 2001. arXiv:gr-qc/0012065
  6. Sorge F., Bini D., de Felice F., Gravitational waves, Gyroscopes and Frame Dragging, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 18, 2945-2958, 2001.
  7. Bini D., Jantzen R.T. Gravitomagnetic Clock Effects in Black Hole Spacetime General Relativity, Cosmology and Gravitational Lensing," book in memory of Ruggiero de Ritis, Ed. Bibliopolis, Naples, Italy, 2001. arXiv:gr-qc/0102029.
  8. Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Miniutti G., The Cotton, Simon-Mars and Cotton-York Tensors in Stationary Spacetimes, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol 18, 1-13, 2001. arXiv:gr-qc/0110059
  9. Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Mashhoon B., Circular Holonomy and Clock Effects in Stationary Axisymmetric Spacetimes, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol 18, 1-21, 2001. arXiv:gr-qc/0111028.
  10. Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Gravitoelectromagnetism and the concept of rotation in black hole spacetime, Proceedings MG9, Ed Gurzadyan, Jantzen, Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.
  11. Germani C., Bini D., Jantzen R.T., A classical interpretation of Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime, Proceedings MG9, Ed Gurzadyan, Jantzen, Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002. arXiv: gr-qc/0103068
  12. Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Miniutti G., Gravitoelectromagnetism and the concept of rotation in black hole spacetime, Proceedings MG9, Ed Gurzadyan, Jantzen, Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.
  13. Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Miniutti G., The Cotton-York and Simon tennsor in stationary spacetimes:I, II, Proceedings MG9, Ed Gurzadyan, Jantzen, Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.
  14. Bini D., Gemelli G., Ruffini R., The role of supplementary conditions for spinning test particles in General Relativity:I, II, Proceedings MG9, Ed Gurzadyan, Jantzen, Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.
  15. Bini D., Cherubini C., Ruffini R., Jantzen R.T. Perturbations in Black Hole Spacetime: a new approach, Proceedings MG9, Ed Gurzadyan, Jantzen, Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.