Chaos in Astrophysical and Cosmological Problems, Galactic Dynamics


A. Allahverdyan (CEA, Saclay and Yerevan Physics Institute)
D.Boccaletti (Mathem. Dept., Univ. of Rome)
J.-P. Bocquet (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie , Grenoble)
P.Cipriani (Phys. Dept. Univ. of Rome)
F. de Paolis (Univ of Lecce)
M.T. Di Bari (Univ of Parma)
V.G.Gurzadyan (ICRA and Yerevan Physics Institute)
G. Ingrosso (Univ of Lecce)

A. Kashin  (Yerevan Physics Institute)
A.T. Margarian
(Yerevan Physics Institute and CEBAF, USA)
A.Mazure (Lab. Astronomie Spaziale, Marseille)
G.Pucacco (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)
S. Rauzy (Glasgow University)
R. Ruffini, ICRA
S. Torres (University of Bogota)
R.Triay (Centre Phys. Theor., Marseille)
G. Yegoryan (Yerevan Physics Institute)

Topics of research

Nonlinear Methods in the Study of Hierarchical Properties of Galaxy Clusters and Large Scale Motions

Statistical effects in Hyperbolic Universe
Algorithmic Information and the Properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation From Magnetohydrodynamics to Magnetars and History of Astronomy
Chaotic Properties of N-body Gravitating Systems                                                      


Selected Publications 1970-2000 Publications Jan. 2001- Jan. 2002




Nonlinear Methods in the Study of Hierarchical Properties of Galaxy Clusters and Large Scale Motions

Considering the dynamics of clusters of galaxies as a nonlinear gravitating N-body problem, we have developed a method to solve the inverse problem of recovering of the substructure, internal dynamics and geometrical shapes of clusters of galaxies based on the redshift distribution of galaxies and the translation invariance of the distribution functions. Applying the method to the real clusters, namely to Coma and Virgo clusters, we revealed their substructure by means of S-tree technique. The existence of main subgroups of galaxies was shown and their dynamical characteristics were estimated. Then, using the previously suggested technique (Gurzadyan, Rauzy, 1997), the bulk flow velocities of the subgroups were evaluated [1,2].














Algorithmic Information and the Properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Theory of algorithmic information provides model independent tools for the study of the properties of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. Kolmogorov complexity was shown to be one of those descriptors (Gurzadyan 1999). We undertook the analysis of the CMB sky maps obtained at Boomerang experiment, namely, studying the properties of the shapes of the anisotropies of the maps of the sum maps and difference maps. The angular distribution of the elongations (obliquities) has no preferred direction, as expected in the absence of instrumental and foreground effects. We compared the mean elongations in the sum maps with the elongations in the difference as well as in simulated maps. We found that in the sky maps there is a region of temperature threshold where the elongation is independent on the threshold. Similar study has been performed for the COBE-DMR four-year data and the signature of that effect has been detected (Gurzadyan and Torres 1997). The present study is in progress together with the Boomerang team.














Chaotic Properties of N-body Gravitating Systems.

The research in N-body dynamics is concentrated mainly on the following problems: the contribution of chaotic motion in determining of the morphology of the galaxies, the role of the N-body effects in the relaxation driving effects, the study of the relative degree of chaos in various gravitating configurations, particularly in those with massive center, etc. The role of chaotic effects in the observational properties of puslars located in dense stellar systems have been studied (de Paolis, Gurzadyan, Ingrosso). The advanced methods of the theory of dynamical systems are used to study these problems, namely, the study of the sign-definiteness of the two-dimensional curvature, Ricci curvature criteria, and iterated maps. Particularly, the use of iterated maps, such as the Konishi-Kaneko system, enable one to avoid the principal difficulties associated with gravitating systems - the infinite phase space and the singular potential. Geometric methods have been used in numerical studies of chaotic properties of gravitating systems (Cipriani) [7-17], (Boccaletti, Pucacco) [23,24]. For Konishi-Kaneko system the existence of Feigenbaum period doubling bifurcations have been shown.














Statistical effects in Hyperbolic Universe

We show that in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universe with negative curvature there is a necessary ingredient for the existence of the thermodynamical arrow of time. It is based on the dynamical instability of motion along null geodesics in this hyperbolic space. Together with special (decorrelated) initial conditions, this mechanism is sufficient for the thermodynamical arrow, whereas the special initial conditions alone are able to generate only a pre-arrow of time. Since the negatively curved space will expand forever, we provide a direct connection between the thermodynamical and cosmological arrows of time. The structural stability of the proposed mechanism is especially stressed. We point out that the main relations of equilibrium statistical thermodynamics (including the second law) do not necessarily depend on any arrow of time [3,4].














From Magnetohydrodynamics to Magnetars and History of Astronomy

Comments on papers: S. Chandrasekhar and E. Fermi "Magnetic Fields in Spiral Arms" and "Problems of Gravitational Stability in the Presence of a Magnetic Field" reported at the ICRA workshop "Fermi and Astrophysics" (Boccaletti). A research by D.Boccaletti on the revolution brought by Kepler by the introduction of elliptic orbits.The results have been presented at the meeting "Cosmology Through Time - Ancient and Modern Cosmology in the Mediterranean Area", Monte Porzio Catone (Roma), June 18-20, 2001, with the title: D. Boccaletti – "From the epicycles of the Greeks to Kepler’s ellipse - The breakdown of the circle paradigm".















Selected Publications 1970-2000:


  1. V.G.Gurzadyan and A.A.Kocharyan, Paradigms of the Large-Scale Universe, Gordon and Breach, London, 1994.
  2. V.G.Gurzadyan and D.Pfenniger, (Eds.) Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol.430, Springer, 1994.
  3. V.G.Gurzadyan and R.Ruffini, (Eds.) The Chaotic Universe, World Sci. 2000.


  1. Gurzadyan V.G., Ozernoy L.M. Accretion on Massive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei, Nature, 280, p.214-216, 1979.
  2. Gurzadyan V.G., Kechek A.G. The Equation of Dynamics of Quasi-Stationary Stellar Systems, Preprint Lebedev Physical Institute, 180, Moscow, 6p., 1979.
  3. Gurzadyan V.G., Ozernoy L.M. Accretion and Radiation Spectrum of Gas Debris of a Star, Astr. Astrophys., 86, p.315-320, 1980.
  4. Gurzadyan V.G., Ozernoy L.M. Density Spike at the Centre of M87 and the Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies, Sov.Astr.Lett., 6, p.136-140, 1980.
  5. Gurzadyan V.G., Kechek A.G. On the Dynamics of Non-Isothermal Stellar Systems, Preprint Lebedev Physical Institute, 38, Moscow, 8p. 1980.
  6. Gurzadyan V.G., Ozernoy L.M. Accretion of the Cloud of Stellar Remnants onto Supermassive Black Hole, Astr. Astrophys., 95, p.39-45, 1981.
  7. Aharonian F.A., Gurzadyan V.G. Pair Production in Two—Temperature Accretion Disc around a Black Hole, Proc. Symposium on Superdense Celestial Bodies, p.42-44, Yerevan, 1980.
  8. Aharonian F.A., Gurzadyan V.G. Instability of Two—Temperature Accretion Disc, YPI, 463(5), 11p.,1981.
  9. Gurzadyan V.G. Stochastic Processes and the Dynamics of Massive Black Holes, YPI, 521(8), 12p., 1982.
  10. Gurzadyan V.G. Do Black Holes Exist at the Centres of Globular Clusters?, Astr. Astrophys., 114, p.71-73, 1982.
  11. Gurzadyan G.A., Gurzadyan V.G. Dynamical Structure of QSOs, Proc. XVIII General Assembly of IAU, p.220-221, Patras, 1982.
  12. Gurzadyan G.A., Gurzadyan V.G. On the Dynamical Structure of QSOs and the Origin of Emission Clouds, Astrophys.Space Sci., 94, p.31-38, 1983.
  13. Gurzadyan V.G. The Sizes of Non-Thermal Sources in Galactic Nuclei, Astr. Tzirk., 1264, p.1-3, 1983.
  14. Gurzadyan V.G. On the Nature of Compact Object in Galactic Centre, YPI, 661(51), 14p.,1983.
  15. Gurzadyan V.G. The Dynamics of Central Regions of Elliptical Galaxies, Astr. Tzirk., 1279, p.1-3, 1983.
  16. Gurzadyan V.G., Savvidy G.K. On the Problem of Relaxation of Stellar Systems, Doklady AN SSSR, 277, p.69-72, 1984; YPI--678(68), 1983.
  17. Gurzadyan V.G. The Dynamical Structure of Galactic Centre, in: Particles and Cosmology, vol.2, p.59-68, Publ. AN SSSR, 1984.
  18. Gurzadyan V.G. On the Nature of Hidden Mass, Astron.Zh., 64, p.203-205, 1986.
  19. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A, Matinyan S.G. Evolution of Very Early Universe with Polarized Vacuum, Astrophysics, 22, p.287-291, 1985.
  20. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Stochasticity and Regularity of Disk Stellar Systems, Doklady AN SSSR, 287, p.813-816, 1986.
  21. Gurzadyan V.G., Savvidy G.K. Collective Relaxation of Stellar Systems, Astr. Astrophys., 160, p.203-210, 1986.
  22. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A The Evolution of Stellar Systems with Massive Centre, Doklady AN SSSR, 289, p.60-63, 1986.
  23. Gurzadyan V.G. Cosmological Constant in McCrea--Milne Cosmology, Observatory, 105, p.42-43, 1985.
  24. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Disk Galaxies and Dynamical Systems with Non-Negative Curvature, Astr. Space Sci., 133, p.253-266, 1987.
  25. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A, Matinyan S.G. Catastrophe Theory and Stellar Systems, Astrophysics, 26, p.339-352, 1987.
  26. Gurzadyan V.G. Chaos and Order in the Universe, in: Particles and Cosmology, p.45-62, Publ.AN SSSR, 1987.
  27. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Stellar Systems as Dissipative Dynamical Systems, Astrophysics, 26, p.275-283, 1987.
  28. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Relative Chaos in Stellar Systems, Astr. Space Sci., 135, p.307-324, 1987.
  29. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A, Matinyan S.G. Catastrophes in Stellar Systems Doklady AN SSSR, 296, p.54-57, 1987.
  30. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Hyperbolicity in Pseudo-Riemann Spaces, YPI, 920(71), 10p.,1987.
  31. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Instability in Wheeler-DeWitt Superspace, Mod. Phys. Lett., 2A, p.921-927, 1987.
  32. Gurzadyan V.G. Was Halley Comet 1066 Viewed from Armenia? Quart.Journ.Roy. Astr.Soc., 29, p.275-276, 1988.
  33. Gurzadyan V.G. Is Our Universe Typical?, in: Proc.Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Perth, Australia), ds. D.G.Blair, M.J.Buckingham, World Sci., Singapore, p.907-910, 1989.
  34. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A ADM Principle and the Inflationary Universe, JETP, 93, p.1153-1160, 1987.
  35. Gurzadyan V.G. Halley 684 Viewed from Armenia, Observatory., 103, p.127, 1988.
  36. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A The Instability of Motion in the Galaxy, Astr. Astrophys., 205, p.93-94, 1988.
  37. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A The Topology of Creating Universe, in: Quantum Gravity IV, Eds. M.A.Markov, V.A.Berezin,V.P.Frolov, World Sci., Singapore, p.911- 926, 1988.
  38. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Dynamical Chaos and Regular Field, Doklady AN SSSR, 301, p.323-325, 1988.
  39. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A What Topology Could the Universe be Created With? JETP, 95, p.3-11, 1989.
  40. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A On Pure and Mixed Quantum States of the Universe, Mod. Phys. Lett., 4A, p.507-511, 1989.
  41. Gurzadyan V.G., Harutyunyan V.V., Kocharyan A.A., On Investigation of Evolution of Dynamical Systems, YPI, 1141(18), 12p.,1989.
  42. Cosentino S., Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A., Ruffini R. Investigation of the Problem of Plasma Instability from the Concept of Ergodic Theory, Preprint Universita "La-Sapienza'' Roma, Italy, 14p.,1989.
  43. Gurzadyan V.G. Violation of CPT--Invariance in the Typical Universe, Nuovo Cimento, 105B, p.971-975, 1990.
  44. Gurzadyan V.G., Harutyunyan V.V., Kocharyan A.A., On the Determination of the Hubble Constant, IC/90/316, Trieste, 1990.
  45. Gurzadyan V.G., Harutyunyan V.V., Kocharyan A.A., A New Method for the Study of Galaxy Distributions Astr.Astrophys, 281, 964, 1994; IC/90/317, Trieste, 1990.
  46. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Can the Anisotropy of Microwave Background Radiation be Discovered at Present? IC/90/318, Quantum Gravity V, Eds. M.A.Markov, V.A.Berezin, V.P.Frolov, World Sci., Singapore, p.689-702, 1991.
  47. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A On the Investigation of Evolution of Dynamical Systems II, IC/90/331 (Internal Report), Trieste, 8p., 1990.
  48. Gurzadyan V.G. On Typical Properties of the Universe in Superspace, IC/90/332, Trieste, 9p., 1990.
  49. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A On the Nature of the Fractal Structure of the Universe. Europhys. Lett. 15(7), p.801-804, 1991.
  50. Gurzadyan V.G., Harutyunyan V.V., Kocharyan A.A., "Large-Scale Structure of the Universe: Mathematical Formulation of the Problem.'' in :Proc. 2-nd DAEC Meeting "The Distribution of Matter in the Universe", Eds. G.A.Mamon, D.Gerbal, Meudon, Paris, p.333-342, 1992.
  51. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Cosmological Parameters from the Pencil-Beam Redshift Surveys, SISSA 160/91A, Trieste, 7p., 1991.
  52. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A On the Problem of Isotropization of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Astr. Astrophys. 260, p.14-16, 1992.
  53. Gurzadyan V.G. Dark Matter in the Universe:Possible Crucial Experiment, in: Proc. 2-nd DAEC Meeting "The Distribution of Matter in the Universe'', Eds. G.A.Mamon, D.Gerbal, Meudon, Paris, p.237-238, 1992.
  54. Gurzadyan V.G. The Dynamics of Galaxies and Clusters: the Concept of Ergodic Theory, in: Proc. 21st General Assembly of IAU, Buenos Aires, Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.256, 1991.
  55. Gurzadyan V.G. On the Interpretation of Observations on Anisotropy of Cosmic Background Radiation, in: Proc. 21st General Assembly of IAU, Buenos Aires, Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.343, 1991.
  56. Gurzadyan V.G., Tabiryan N.S. Light Modulation Effects and the Quasar Redshift Controversy, in: Galaxy Environments and the Large Scale Structure of the Universe, Eds. G.Giuricin et al, SISSA Ref. 146/91A, p.45-47, Trieste, 1991.
  57. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Paradigms of the Large--Scale Universe, Gordon and Breach, 1994.
  58. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A N--body Systems: Computer Image and Reality, Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics, Eds. V.G.Gurzadyan, D.Pfenniger, Lecture Notes in Physics, p.151-157, vol.430, Springer, 1994.
  59. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Anisotropy of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation: a Test for Inflation and Omega, Europhys.Lett., 22, p.231-234, 1993.
  60. Gurzadyan V.G., Petrosian A.R., Kocharyan A.A. Substructure of the Local Group of Galaxies, Astr.Space Sci., 201, p.243-248, 1993.
  61. Gurzadyan V.G. Instability of N--body Systems: Present Status of Numerical Studies, in:"Structure and Dynamics of Globular Clusters", ASP Conf. Series, 50, (Eds.S.G.Djorgovski and G.Meylan), p.127, Berkeley, 1993.
  62. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A A New View on the Problem of Anisotropy of the Cosmic Background Radiation, Int.Journ.Mod.Phys., 2, 97-104, 1993 (Preprint SISSA, Trieste, Ref.216/92/A, 1992).
  63. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A Instability of N-body Systems: Can Computer Solve the Problem? Journ. of Phys.A., 27, 2879-2885, 1994.
  64. Gurzadyan V.G., Torres S. Omega < 1 from Anisotropy Shapes in COBE maps, preprint ICRA,19/02/93, University of Rome, 1993.
  65. Gurzadyan V.G. 10 Key Problems of Stellar Dynamics, in: Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics, Eds. V.G.Gurzadyan, D.Pfenniger, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol.430, p.283-284, Springer, 1994.
  66. Gurzadyan V.G. Ergodic Methods in Stellar Dynamics, in: Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics, Eds. V.G.Gurzadyan, D.Pfenniger, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol.430, p.43-55, Springer, 1994.
  67. Gurzadyan V.G., Torres S. Analysis of Textures of COBE Maps, in: The Present and Future of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Eds. Martinez-Gonzalez E., Cayon L., Sanz J.L., Lecture Notes in Physics, vol.429, Springer, 1994.
  68. Bekarian K.M., Gurzadyan V.G. Study of the Substructures in Galaxy Distribution: Further Development of S-Tree Technique, Preprint IC/93/416, ICTP, Trieste, 1993.
  69. Tabiryan N.V., Gurzadyan V.G. Doppler-like Redshift due to Light Interaction with Matter, Int.Journ.Optik, 97, p.19-22, 1994.
  70. Gurzadyan V.G., Pfenniger D. (Eds.) Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol.430, Springer, 1994.
  71. Gurzadyan V.G., Melkonian A., Oganessian K. Konishi-Kaneko Map and Feigenbaum Universality, Astrofizika, 38, 715, 1995.
  72. Gurzadyan V.G, Margarian A.T. Inverse Compton Testing of Fundamental Physics and the Cosmic Background Radiation, Physica Scripta, 53, 513, 1996.
  73. Gurzadyan V.G., Kocharyan A.A. On the Observational Properties of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation in Negatively Curved Universe, in: Quantum Gravity, VI, Eds. V.A.Berezin, V.A.Rubakov, D.V.Semikoz, World Sci. p.542, 1998; Preprint IC/93/419, ICTP, Trieste, 1993.
  74. Gurzadyan V.G., Mazure A. Revealing Galaxy Associations in Abell 119, The Observatory, 116, 391, 1996; astro-ph/9610056.
  75. Gurzadyan V.G, Melkonian A., Oganessian K. Feigenbaum Bifurcations and Stellar Dynamics, Nuovo Cimento, 112B, 309, 1997; astro-ph/9707199.
  76. Gurzadyan V.G, Rauzy S. The 3D Velocity Reconstruction of Clusters of Galaxies: When is it Possible?" Astrofizika 40, 473, 1997; 40, 308, 1997 (Translation); Preprint CPT-95/p-3183, Marseille, 1995;astro-ph/9707198.
  77. Petrosian A.R., Gurzadyan V.G. Astronomy in Armenia: Anticipations of a New Wind, Quart.Journ.RAS, 37, 231, 1996.
  78. De Paolis F., Gurzadyan V.G., Ingrosso G. Pulsars Tracing Black Holes in Globular Clusters, Astr.Astrophys., 315, 396, 1996; astro-ph/9610106.
  79. Gurzadyan V.G., Torres S. Testing the Effect of Geodesic Mixing with COBE Data to Reveal the Curvature of the Universe; Astron. Astrophys., 321, 19, 1997; astro-ph/9610152.
  80. Lynden-Bell D., Gurzadyan V.G. Victor A.Ambartsumian, Astronomy \& Geophysics, 38, 37, 1997.
  81. Petrosian A.R., Gurzadyan V.G., Hendry M., Nikoghossian E. The Study of 1 Arc Degree Core Substructure of the Virgo Cluster, Astrofizika, 41, 51, 1998.
  82. Gurzadyan V.G., Mazure A. 'Galaxy Associations' as Possible Common Features of Clusters of Galaxies, MNRAS, 295,177,1998; astro-ph/9709210
  83. Mazure A., Gurzadyan V.G. S-tree Analysis of the Substructure of Coma Cluster, in: A New Vision of an Old Cluster: Untangling the Coma Cluster' (Eds.A.Mazure, F.Casoli, F.Durret, D.Gerbal), p.54, 1998; astro-ph/9710094
  84. Gurzadyan V.G., Torres S. The Signature for the Negative Curvature of the Universe in CMB Maps, in: Proc.VIII Marcel Grossmann, Ed.T.Piran, World Sci., p.1367, 1999.
  85. Rauzy S., Gurzadyan V.G. On the Motion of the Local Group and its Substructures, MNRAS, 298, 114, 1998
  86. El-Zant A.A., Gurzadyan V.G. Relative Chaos in Gravitating Systems with Massive Centre, Physica D, 122, 241, 1998
  87. Lynden-Bell D., Gurzadyan V.G., Victor A.Ambartsumian, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 44, 21, 1998.
  88. Gasche H., Armstrong J.A., Cole S.W., Gurzadyan V.G. Dating the Fall of Babylon, Mesopotamian History and Environment, Series II, Memoirs IV, Ghent and Chicago Univ. Press, 1998.
  89. Gurzadyan V.G., Rauzy S. The Dynamics of Substructures and the Bulk Flow of the Local Group, in: Proc. IAU Symp.192 "Stellar Content of the Local Group of Galaxies", p.427, ASP Publ. 1999.
  90. Gurzadyan V.G., Kolmogorov Complexity, Cosmic Microwave Background Maps and the Curvature of the Universe, Europhys.Lett. 46, 114, 1999.
  91. Allahverdyan A.E., Gurzadyan V.G., Soghoyan A.A., On the Numerical Study of the Complexity and Fractal Dimension of the CMB Anisotropies, Int.Journ.Mod.Phys. D, 8, 383, 1999.
  92. Allahverdyan A.E., Gurzadyan V.G. Arrows of Time and the Anisotropic Properties of CMB, in: The Chaotic Universe, Eds. V.G.Gurzadyan, R.Ruffini, World Sci.,p.228,2000; astro-ph/9910339.
  93. Gurzadyan V.G. The Complexity of our Curved Universe, in: The Chaotic Universe, Eds.V.G.Gurzadyan, R.Ruffini, World Sci. astro/ph-9912..., p.59, 2000.
  94. Gurzadyan V.G., R.Ruffini, Eds. The Chaotic Universe, World Sci., 2000.
  95. Gurzadyan V.G., Mazure A. On the Structural Stability of Clusters of Galaxies, Nuovo Cimento, B, Vol. 115, 929, 2000.
  96. Gurzadyan V.G., Mazure A. Galaxy Associations within the Coma Cluster New Astronomy, 6, 43, 2001.
  97. Gurzadyan V.G. On the paper by M.Valluri and D.Merrit, "Orbital Instability and Relaxation in Stellar Systems" in: The Chaotic Universe, Eds.V.G.Gurzadyan, R.Ruffini, World Sci., p.245, 2000.
  98. Allahverdyan A.E., Gurzadyan V.G. Statistical Thermodynamics without Thermodynamical Arrow of Time,.in: The Chaotic Universe, Eds.V.G.Gurzadyan, R.Ruffini, World Sci., p.218, 2000.
  99. Gurzadyan V.G. Talk at General Discussion on Accretion Disks; in: Active Galactic Nuclei and Related Phenomena, Eds.Y.Terzian, D.Weedman, E.Khachikian, APS publ.,p.321, 2000.











Publications Jan. 2001- Jan. 2002

  1. Gurzadyan V.G., Mazure A. Galaxy Associations within the Coma Cluster New Astronomy, 6, 43, 2001.
  2. Gurzadyan V.G., Rauzy S., Triay R., Recovering the Internal Dynamics and the Shapes of Galaxy Clusters: Virgo Cluster, to appear in Int.Journ.Mod.Phys.D; astro-ph/0107265.
  3. Allahverdyan A.A., Gurzadyan V.G. Arrows of Time and the CMB (submitted).
  4. Allahverdyan A.A., Gurzadyan V.G., Statistical Thermodynamics Without Thermodynamical Arrow ofTime, in Proc. IX Marcel Grossmann meeting, World Sci. 2002, in press.
  5. Gurzadyan V.G. Chaotic phenomena in astrophysics and cosmology, in Proc. IX Marcel Grossmann meeting, World Sci. 2002, in press;
  6. Gurzadyan V.G. Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model and galactic dynamics, in: ‘Fermi and
  7. Astrophysics’, World Sci.
  8. E.Massaro, S.Catalano, P.Cipriani et al. - "The Optical variability of BL Lacertae in the period 1994-99" Proc. of GIFCO , 269, (2001).
  9. P.Cipriani, M.Nardone, F.P.Ricci, M.A.Ricci - "Orientational correlations in liquid and supercritical ${\rm CO _{\rm 2 $: Neutron Diffraction experiments and Molecular Dynamics simulations" , Molec. Physics , 99 , 301, (2001).
  10. M.Cerruti-Sola, P.Cipriani, M.Pettini - "On the clustering phase transition in self-gravitating N-body systems" , Mon.Not.Royal Astr.Soc. , 328 , 339, (2001).
  11. P.Cipriani - "A Strong Chaos criterion and Microcanonics of self gravitating N-body systems , Proc. of the IX Marcel Grossmann Meeting, World Scientific (2001).
  12. P.Cipriani, M.Di Bari - "Fast instability indicator in few dimensional dynamical systems" , Proc. of the IX Marcel Grossmann Meeting, World Scientific (2001).
  13. P.Cipriani, M.Pettini - "Strong Chaos in N-body problem and Microcanonical Thermodynamics of collisionless self gravitating systems" , Astrophysics and Space Science , to appear.
  14. A.Politi, P.Cipriani - "An open system approach to the study of Lyapunov spectra" , invited talk, to appear in the Proceedings of the American Physical Society meeting , Seattle, 2001.
  15. A.Politi, P.Cipriani - "An open system approach to the study of space-time chaos" , invited talk, to appear in the proceedings of STATPHYS 2001 .
  16. A.Politi, P.Cipriani - "Fractal dimension of attractors in spatially extended chaotic systems" , Physica A . (submitted).
  17. P.Cipriani, A.Politi - "Information propagation in Chaotic nonlinear chains", Phys.Rev.E . (submitted)
  18. P.Cipriani - "Non-equilibrium Gibbs entropies and secular evolution of self-gravitating systems" , Physica A (submitted)
  19. D. Boccaletti, G. Pucacco, Theory of orbits, Vol 1. Integrable Systems and Non-perturbative Methods, [pp. XIV + 394, Springer, 2nd Edition, 2001]
  20. D. Boccaletti, From the epicycles of the Greeks to Kepler’s ellipse - The breakdown of the circle paradigm; Proceedings of "Cosmology Through Time - Ancient and Modern Cosmology in the Mediterranean Area", Monte Porzio Catone (Roma), June 18-20, 2001 – published by Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo", University of Rome "la Sapienza"; to be published also on "Memorie della SaIt".
  21. D. Boccaletti, The paradigm of the shock wave and the Gamma-Ray Bursts Proceedings of "7th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics", Gimhae and Gangwha Island, Korea, July 23-28, 2001, to be published on "Journal of the Korean Physical Society"
  22. D. Boccaletti From Magnetohydrodynamics to Magnetars - Comments on papers: S. Chandrasekhar and E. Fermi "Magnetic Fields in Spiral Arms" (Ap. J. 118, 113-115, 1953) and "Problems of Gravitational Stability in the Presence of a Magnetic Field"(Ap. J. 118, 116-141, 1953) Proceedings of "Ninth ICRA Network Workshop "Fermi and Astrophysics" in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Enrico Fermi, ICRA Network Coordinating Center of Pescara and University of Rome "La Sapienza", October 3-7, 2001.
  23. D. Boccaletti, Dagli epicicli dei greci all’ellisse di Keplero - La rottura del paradigma del cerchio, To be published on "Sapere".
  24. D.Boccaletti, G.Pucacco and G. Ventura, Instability and relaxation in N-body systems, in preparation.
  25. D.Boccaletti, G.Puccaco, Normal forms and integrability conditions, in preparation.
  26. D.Boccaletti, C. Doglioni and B. Scoppola on the influence of the rotation of the earth on the westward drift of the lithosphere.The work is in progress.