BS2 - Scalar fields in cosmology |
Speaker |
OGAWA, Tatsuya |
Coauthors |
Hideki Ishihara |
Talk Title |
Charge Screened Boson Stars |
Abstract |
We investigate boson star solutions numerically for the system of bosonic fields coupled to the Einstein gravity. The bosonic fields consist of a massless complex scalar field coupled to a U(1) gauge field, and a complex Higgs scalar field with the Mexican hat potential which causes the spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the asymptotic far region, the U(1) symmetry is broken by the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field, while in the central region, the massless scalar field yields charge distribution by its phase rotation. Immediately, the Higgs field and the gauge field yield counter charge which screen the source charge. The scalar fields and the gauge field are localized in a finite region of the space, and the asymptotic structure of the spacetime is described by the Schwarzschild metric. Upper bound of ADM mass that exists in this system is discussed. |
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