AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology |
Speaker |
Coauthors |
Chinaglia, Stefano ; Zerbini, Sergio |
Talk Title |
Non-Singular Solutions From Second Order Spherically Symmetric And Cosmological Field Equations In $F(Riem,\nabla)$ Non-Polynomial Gravities |
Abstract |
We explore a specific class of $F(Riem,\nabla)$ gravitational theories, called Non-Polynomial Gravities, which are able to give second order field equations (at least) for spherically symmetric and cosmological spacetimes, in four dimensions, thanks to the existence of algebraic identities among curvature tensors in these spacetimes. Non-singular black hole and cosmological solutions are found from specific models, in particular, we find the loop quantum cosmology bounce solution, the Poisson-Israel and the Balakin-Lemos-Zayats regular black holes. Therefore, these models violate both the singularity and Lovelock theorems, in the considered class of spacetimes. First,we will briefly introduce the conceptual issues arising from the existence of singularities, then review the different paths that have been explored to modify General Relativity in order to cure singularities, and the types of non-singular spacetimes emerging from these. Finally, in the main part of the talk, we will present some Non-Polynomial Gravity models, together with their non-singular solutions. See Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 27(3), 1830002 (2018), [arXiv:1712.03730] ; Galaxies, 5, 51 (2017) [arXiv:1708.08667]. |
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