CM5 - Present and future of CMB observations |
Speaker |
Puddu, Roberto |
Coauthors |
Clothard, Nicholas; Gallardo, Patricio A.; Næss, Sigurd K. |
Talk Title |
Abstract |
In the era of precision cosmology larger and larger telescopes have been deployed in order to observe the faintest signals coming from the primordial Universe. These telescopes usually have shields and baffles structures in order to avoid contaminants like ground pickup or direct atmosphere signals entering the instrument camera. The 6 meters Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) does have these frames, which, by the way, may introduce unwanted sidelobes. Characterizing them is a crucial step to obtain clean maps of the sky. This is possible my means of softwares like GRASP, performing electromagnetic simulations, but it is not trivial to define the telescope model in it. I will illustrate how this is feasible and present the results of such simulations, comparing them with the maps realized with actual data. |
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