CM5 - Present and future of CMB observations |
Speaker |
D'Alessandro, Giuseppe |
Coauthors |
P. Ade G. Amico D. Auguste J. Aumont S. Banfi Gustavo Barbarán P. Battaglia E. Battistelli A. Baù B. Bélier D. Bennett L. Bergé J.-Ph. Bernard M. Bersanelli M.-A. Bigot-Sazy Nathanaël Bleurvacq J. Bonaparte J. Bonis G. Bordier E. Bréelle E. Bunn D. Burke D. Buzi A. Buzzelli F. Cavaliere P. Chanial C. Chapron R. Charlassier F. Columbro G. Coppi A. Coppolecchia F. Couchot R. D'Agostino G. DAlessandro P. de Bernardis G. De Gasperis M. De Leo M. De Petris A. Di Donato L. Dumoulin A. Etchegoyen A. Fasciszewski C. Franceschet M. M. Gamboa Lerena B. García X. Garrido M. Gaspard A. Gault D. Gayer M. Gervasi M. Giard Y. Giraud-Héraud M. Gómez Berisso M. González M. Gradziel L. Grandsire E. Guerrard J.-Ch. Hamilton D. Harari V. Haynes S. Henrot-Versillé D. T. Hoang F. Incardona E. Jules J. Kaplan A. Korotkov C. Kristukat L. Lamagna S. Loucatos Thibaut Louis A. Lowitz V. Lukovic R. Luterstein B. Maffei S. Marnieros S. Masi A. Mattei A. May M. McCulloch M. C. Medina L. Mele S. Melhuish A. Mennella L. Montier L. M. Mundo J.A. Murphy J. D. Murphy C. O'Sullivan E. Olivieri A. Paiella F. Pajot A. Passerini H. Pastoriza A. Pelosi C. Perbost O. Perdereau F. Pezzotta F. Piacentini M. Piat L. Piccirillo G. Pisano G. Polenta D. Prêle R. Puddu D. Rambaud P. Ringegni G. E. Romero M. Salatino A. Schillaci C. G. Scóccola S. Scully S. Spinelli M. Stolpovskiy F. Suarez A. Tartari J.-P. Thermeau Peter Timbie S.A. Torchinsky Matthieu Tristram V. Truongcanh C. Tucker G. Tucker S. Vanneste D. Viganò N. Vittorio F. Voisin B. Watson F. Wicek M. Zannoni A. Zullo |
Talk Title |
The QUBIC experiment |
Abstract |
The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC) is a cosmology experiment which aims to measure the B-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Measurements of the primordial B-mode pattern of the CMB polarization is in fact among the most exciting goals in cosmology as it would allow testing the inflationary paradigm. Many experiments are attempting to measure the B-modes, from the ground and the stratosphere, using imaging Stokes polarimeters. The QUBIC collaboration is developing an innovative concept to measure CMB polarization using bolometric interferometry. This approach mixes the high sensitivity of bolometric detectors with accurate control of systematics due to the interferometric layout of the instrument. QUBIC is at an advanced state of tests on all sub-systems, and we are planning to start with measurements by the end of 2018 from Alto Chorillo in Argentina. |
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