CM5 - Present and future of CMB observations |
Speaker |
Pham, Anh |
Coauthors |
on behalf of the POLARBEAR collaboration |
Talk Title |
Measuring CMB Polarization with POLARBEAR and the Simons Array: A Search for Gravitational Waves from Inflation |
Abstract |
Measurements of the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are rapidly becoming an important tool to test the standard model of cosmology. In particular, these measurements open the tantalizing possibility of detecting the smoking gun of inflation, the background of large-scale gravitational waves that are produced in inflationary cosmologies but not most alternatives to inflation. POLARBEAR and the Simons Array are CMB experiments designed to detect or strengthen upper limits on inflationary gravitational waves. The experiments are located on the high, dry Atacama plateau in Chile, which is one of the best places on the planet to make these measurements. POLARBEAR consists of 1274 transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers and began observations at 150 GHz in 2012. POLARBEAR is currently being upgraded into the Simons Array, which will comprise a total of 22,764 TES bolometers across four frequency bands: 95, 150, 220 and 270 GHz. I will review science results from POLARBEAR, and then discuss the deployment scientific prospects of the Simons Array. |
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