AT4 - Massive gravity, Horndeski theory and other "ghost-free" models of modified gravity |
Speaker |
Modesto, Leonardo |
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Talk Title |
Exact solutions and stability in Nonlocal Ghost-Free Gravity |
Abstract |
We study at classical level three classes of nonlocal gravitational theories finite at quantum level. We show that for the first class of theories, Ricci flat spacetimes are exact solutions stable under linear perturbations. In particular the Schwarzschild, Kerr, and BKL metrics are exact solutions. For the first and second class (A)dS is a stable exact solution, while for the second class the equations of motion are exactly solved by all FRW spacetimes which are sourced by a traceless energy tensor. In particular the Big-Bang singularity is an exact solution of the theory. Moreover, the Starobisky and Mukanov inflationary models are exact solutions. The third class of theories show up almost all the spacetime singularities of Einstein gravity, namely: black hole singularities and cosmological singularities. |
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