BN9 - Gravitational interaction of n-pole point particles and higher-spin fields |
Speaker |
Vines, Justin |
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Talk Title |
Post-Minkowskian Scattering and Spinning Binary Black Holes |
Abstract |
As applied to two-body dynamics, the post-Minkowskian (PM) approximation, assuming only weak fields, resums at each PM order an infinite number of terms in the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation, which also assumes small speeds. Furthermore, in relativistic gravitational scattering, the natural setting for the PM scheme, the results have been seen to organize themselves in ways which reveal remarkable properties which are obscured in the usual forms of PN results; among these properties are complete (at given PM orders) effective-one-body mappings relating arbitrary-mass-ratio two-body motion to test-body motion (for both unbound and bound systems). We will discuss these issues specifically for the case of two-spinning-black-hole scattering, while attempting work to all orders in the holes' spin-multipole expansions (as is natural in the PM scheme). We will also discuss the promising prospect of producing classical PM scattering results using advanced methods for quantum scattering amplitudes involving higher-spin massive particles exchanging gravitons. |
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