MG15 - Talk detail |
Participant |
Bolliet, Boris | |||||||
Institution |
JBCA, The University of Manchester - Alan Turing Building - Manchester - Manchester - United Kingdom | |||||||
Session |
CM2 |
Accepted |
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Talk |
Oral abstract |
Title |
Cosmological Constraints from the Thermal Sunyaev Zeldovich Power Spectrum | |||||
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Abstract |
I will briefly review the calculations of the thermal SZ power spectrum, both observationally and theoretically. I will show how the amplitude of the tSZ power spectrum on large angular scales depends on the assumed cosmological model. Then I will present a likelihood that can be used to set constraints on the cosmological parameters, based on the latest Planck analyses and including our uncertainty on several foreground signals. Finally, I will show the constraints that can be obtained on the equation of state of dark energy when we add the information relative to the expansion rate to the SZ likelihood, and compare them with those obtained from the CMB lensing data. The potential constraining power of the tSZ cosmological data regarding the mass of neutrinos may be discussed at the end of the presentation. |
Pdf file |
Session |
CM3 |
Accepted |
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Time |
Talk |
Oral abstract |
Title |
CMB Distortions from Photon Injection Processes | |||||
Coauthors | ||||||||
Abstract |
More than twenty years after COBE/FIRAS, the present technology embarked on a new CMB spectral distortion experiment should enable us to measure not only some known signals, such as the recombination lines or the dissipation of acoustic waves, but also to open a new window on dark matter detection. Indeed, as dark matter forms a large part of the universe content, if its constituents happen to decay into photons (e.g., Axion Like Particles) or absorb them (e.g., Black Holes), we could potentially measure the induced distortion caused to the CMB frequency spectrum. In this presentation, I will outline methodology used in the FIRAS analysis to extract the CMB temperature and its frequency spectrum. Then, I will present preliminary results on Axion Like Particles (ALPs) that decay into photons. In particular, I will illustrate how we can set constraints on the parameter space of ALPs models with a CMB spectral distortion experiment. |
Pdf file |