MG15 - Talk detail |
Participant |
Marciano , Antonino | |||||||
Institution |
Fudan University - Handan road 220 - Shanghai - Shanghai - China | |||||||
Session |
AT1 |
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Tests of anomalous growing of the black hole radius from AGN | |||||
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Abstract |
We show how to constrain the anomalous growing of the black hole radius from the X-rays spectrum data of AGN in NGC 5506. This can provide new limits on the presence of dark matter overdensity or on the extensions of General Relativity. |
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Session |
QG1 |
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Self-dual formulation of gravity in topological M-theory | |||||
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Abstract |
Inspired by the low wave-length limit of topological M-theory, which re- constructs the theory of 3 + 1D gravity in the self-dual variables formulation, and by the realization that in Loop Quantum Gravity the holonomy of a flat connection can be non-trivial if and only if a non-trivial (space-like) line defect is localized inside the loop, we argue that non-trivial gravitational holonomies can be put in correspondence with space-like M-branes. This suggests the existence of a new duality, which we call H duality, interconnecting topological M-theory with Loop Quantum Gravity. We spell some arguments to show that fundamental S-strings are serious candidates to be considered in order to instantiate this correspondence to classes of LQG states. In particular, we consider the case of the holonomy flowers in LQG, and show that for this type of states the action of the Hamiltonian constraint, from the M-theory side, corresponds to a linear combination of appearance and disappearance of a SNS1- strings. Consequently, these processes can be reinterpreted, respectively, as enucleations or decays into open or closed strings. |
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Session |
DE1 |
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Oral abstract |
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Dark Energy and Dark Matter from Yang-Mills Condensate and the Peccei-Quinn mechanism | |||||
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Abstract |
We analyze a model of cold axion Dark Matter weakly coupled with a dark gluon condensate, reproducing Dark Energy. We first review how to recover the Dark Energy behavior using the functional renormalization group approach, and ground our study on the properties of the effective Lagrangian, to be determined non-perturbatively. Then, within the context of GSM × SU(2)D × U(1)PQ, we consider YMC interactions with QCD axions. We predict a transfer of Dark Energy density into Dark Matter density in a cosmological time that can be tested in the next generation of experiments dedicated to Dark Energy measures. |
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Session |
EU2C |
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Oral abstract |
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Emergent inflation from a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio mechanism in gravity with non-dynamical torsion | |||||
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Abstract |
We discuss how inflation can emerge from a four-fermion interaction induced by torsion. Inflation can arise from coupling torsion to Standard Model fermions, without any need of introducing new scalar particles beyond the Standard Model. Within this picture, the inflaton field can be a composite field of the SM-particles and arises from a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio mechanism in curved space-time, non-minimally coupled with the Ricci scalar. The model we specify predicts small value of the r- parameter, namely r ∼ 10−3 − 10−2, which nonetheless would be detectable by the next generation of experiments, including BICEP 3 and the ALI-CMB projects. |
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Session |
AT7 |
Accepted |
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Talk |
Oral abstract |
Title |
Emergent inflation from a NambuJona-Lasinio mechanism in gravity with non-dynamical torsion | |||||
Coauthors | ||||||||
Abstract |
We discuss how inflation can emerge from a four-fermion interaction induced by torsion. Inflation can arise from coupling torsion to Standard Model fermions, without any need of introducing new scalar particles beyond the Standard Model. Within this picture, the inflaton field can be a composite field of the SM-particles and arises from a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio mechanism in curved space-time, non-minimally coupled with the Ricci scalar. The model we specify predicts small value of the r- parameter, namely r ∼ 10−3 − 10−2, which nonetheless would be detectable by the next generation of experiments, including BICEP 3 and the ALI-CMB projects. |
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Session |
DM1 |
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Oral abstract |
Title |
Testing Dark Matter Models with Radio Telescopes in light of Gravitational Wave Astronomy | |||||
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Abstract |
We put forward a novel phenomenological paradigm in which particle physics beyond the Standard Model may be tested by radio astronomy if they are related to a first order phase transition in the early Universe. For this type of Dark Matter models, the first order phase transition takes place at KeV scales, and hence, induces the production of a stochastic gravitational wave background that can be detected from Pulsar timing measures. We demonstrate this hypothetical feasibility by studying a class of Majoron Dark Matter model, which is related to a first order phase transition of the U(1)L or U(1)B−L symmetry and is consequently dubbed as violent Majoron. This phenomena are expected to be examined by the ongoing and forthcoming radio experiments, including FAST, SKA and IPTA. |
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Session |
GW1 |
Accepted |
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Talk |
Poster abstract |
Title |
Testing Dark Matter Models with Radio Telescopes in light of Gravitational Wave Astronomy | |||||
Coauthors | ||||||||
Abstract |
In this Letter we put forward a novel phenomenological paradigm in which particle physics beyond the Standard Model may be tested by radio astronomy if they are related to a first order phase transition in the early Universe. For this type of Dark Matter models, the first order phase transition takes place at KeV scales, and hence, induces the production of a stochastic gravitational wave background that can be detected from Pulsar timing measures. We demonstrate this hypothetical feasibility by studying a class of Majoron Dark Matter model, which is related to a first order phase transition of the U(1)L or U(1)B−L symmetry and is consequently dubbed as violent Majoron. This phenomenon are expected to be examined by the ongoing and forthcoming radio experiments, including FAST, SKA and IPTA. |
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