MG15 - Talk detail |
Participant |
Mohammadi, Abolhassan | |||||||
Institution |
University of Kurdistan - Pasdaran ave. - Sanandaj - Kurdistan - Iran | |||||||
Session |
BS2 |
Accepted |
Order |
Time |
Talk |
Oral abstract |
Title |
Constant-roll inflation with modified kinetic terms | |||||
Coauthors | ||||||||
Abstract |
âThe recent proposed constant-roll inflationary scenario will be considered in which the scalar field Lagrangian is generalized describing by a non-canonical scalar field. âAssuming a constant for the second slow-roll parameter which is not necessary small indicates that the perturbation equation should be reconsidered again that results in some modification terms in the amplitude of scalar perturbation and scalar spectral index. âThen by using Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for considering the scenario we derives a differential equation for the Hubble parameter, âand by finding the solution the perturbation parameters computed at the horizon crossing time. âComparing the result with the observational data shows a good consistency which states the model could stands as a good candidate for describing inflation. |
Pdf file |
Session |
BS2 |
Accepted |
Order |
Time |
Talk |
Oral abstract |
Title |
Constant-roll inflation with modified kinetic terms | |||||
Coauthors | ||||||||
Abstract |
âThe recent proposed constant-roll inflationary scenario will be considered in which the scalar field Lagrangian is generalized describing by a non-canonical scalar fieldâ. âAssuming a constant for the second slow-roll parameter which is not necessary small indicates that the perturbation equation should be reconsidered again that results in some modification terms in the amplitude of scalar perturbation and scalar spectral indexâ. âThen by using Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for considering the scenario we derives a differential equation for the Hubble parameterâ, âand by finding the solution the perturbation parameters computed at the horizon crossing timeâ. âComparing the result with the observational data shows a good consistency which states the model could stands as a good candidate for describing inflationâ. |
Pdf file |