MG15 - Talk detail |
Participant |
Leibrandt, David | |||||||
Institution |
NIST - 325 Broadway St - Boulder - CO - USA | |||||||
Session |
PT4 |
Accepted |
Order |
Time |
Talk |
Oral abstract |
Title |
Exploring physics beyond the standard model with the NIST 27Al+ quantum-logic clock | |||||
Coauthors | ||||||||
Abstract |
Optical atomic clocks based on 27Al+, 87Sr, and 171Yb are pushing towards systematic fractional frequency uncertainties near 10^-18. Measurements of the frequency ratios of such clocks can be used to place constraints on theories of physics beyond the standard model, including possible time variations of the fundamental constants and coupling of dark matter to ordinary matter. Here, we review previous measurements of optical frequency ratios at NIST and present the results of a systematic uncertainty evaluation of the recently completed third-generation NIST 27Al+ quantum-logic clock, in which uncertainty due to time-dilation shifts is suppressed to below 10^-18 by improved control of the ion trap electric fields and cooling the motion of the trapped ions to near the three-dimensional ground state. In addition, we present preliminary results from recent optical frequency ratio measurements between the 27Al+ quantum-logic clock and the NIST 87Sr and 171Yb optical lattice clocks. This work was supported by NIST, ONR, and DARPA. S.M.B. acknowledges support from ARO MURI grant number W911NF-11-1-0400. |
Pdf file |