MG15 - Talk detail |
Participant |
Hernandez, Xavier | |||||||
Institution |
Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM - Ciudad Universitaria - Mexico City - Ciudad de Mexico - Mexico | |||||||
Session |
AT1 |
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Approaching the Dark Sector through a bounding curvature criterion | |||||
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Abstract |
Understanding the observations of dynamical tracers and the trajectories of lensed photons at galactic scales within the context of General Relativity (GR), requires the introduction of a hypothetical dark matter dominant component. The onset of these gravitational anomalies, where the Schwarzschild solution no longer describes observations, closely corresponds to regions where accelerations drop below the characteristic $a_{0}$ acceleration of MOND, which for systems of total baryonic mass $M$ occur at a mass-dependent radial distance, $R_{M}=(G M a_{0})^{1/2}$. At cosmological scales, inferred dynamics are also inconsistent with GR and the observed distribution of mass. The current accelerated expansion rate requires the introduction of a hypothetical dark energy dominant component. We here show that for a Schwarzschild metric at galactic scales, the scalar curvature, K, multiplied by the area function, both at the critical MOND transition radius, has an invariant value of $\kappa_{B}=K\times A=192\pi a_{0}^{2}/c^{4}$. For a FLRW metric, this same constant bounding curvature condition yields a covariant constraint which for a flat spacetime results in a cosmic expansion history which agrees with the $\Lambda$CDM concordance model for recent epochs, and which similarly tends to a de Sitter solution having a Hubble constant consistent with current inferred values. Thus, a simple purely geometric condition identifies the low acceleration regime of observed gravitational anomalies, and can be used to guide the development of modified gravity theories at both galactic and cosmological scales. |
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Session |
AC3 |
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A Hydrodynamical Mechanism for Generating Astrophysical Jets | |||||
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Whenever in a classical accretion disk the thin disk approximation fails interior to a certain radius, a transition from Keplerian to radial infalling trajectories should occur. We show that this transition is actually expected to occur interior to a certain critical radius, provided surface density profiles are steeper than Sigma(R) ~ R(-1/2) , and further, that it probably corresponds to the observationally inferred phenomena of thick hot walls internally limiting the extent of many stellar accretion disks. Infalling trajectories will lead to the convergent focusing and concentration of matter towards the very central regions, most of which will simply be swallowed by the central object. We show through a perturbative hydrodynamical analysis, that this will naturally develop a well collimated pair of polar jets. A first analytic treatment of the problem described is given, proving the feasibility of purely hydrodynamical mechanisms for astrophysical jet generation. This mechanism is verified through numerical simulations exploring the dependence of the resulting jet on the geometry of the accreting matter and the equation of state assumed for the gas. |
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Session |
GB3 |
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On the magnetar origin of the GRBs presenting X-ray afterglow plateaus | |||||
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Abstract |
The X-ray afterglow plateau emission observed in many Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) has been interpreted as either being fueled by fallback onto a newly formed black hole, or by the spin-down luminosity of an ultra-magnetized millisecond neutron star. If the latter model is assumed, GRB X-ray afterglow light curves can be analytically reproduced. We fit a sample of GRB X-ray plateaus, interestingly yielding a distribution in the magnetic field versus spin period (B-P) diagram consistent with $B\propto P^{7/6}$. This is expected from the well-established physics of the spin-up line minimum period for Galactic millisecond pulsars. The normalisation of the relation we obtain perfectly matches spin-up line predictions for the expected masses ($\sim 1 M_{\odot}$) and radii ($\sim 10 {\rm ~km}$) of newly born magnetars, and mass accretion rates consistent with GRB expectations of $10^{-4} M_{\odot}/{\rm s} <\dot{M}< 10^{-1} M_{\odot}/{\rm s}$. Short GRBs with extended emission (SEE) appear towards the high period end of the distribution, while the long GRBs (LGRBs) towards the short period end. This result is consistent with spin-up limit expectations where the total accreted mass determines the position of the neutron star in the B-P diagram. The P-B distribution for LGRBs and SEE are statistically different, further supporting the idea that the fundamental plane relation \citep{dainotti16c,Dainotti2017} is a powerful discriminant among those populations. Our conclusions are robust against suppositions regarding the GRB collimation angle and magnetar breaking index, which shifts the resulting magnetar properties parallel to the spin-up line, and strongly support a magnetar origin for GRBs presenting X-ray plateaus. (arXiv:1804.08652) |
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Session |
GB3 |
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Study of a fundamental plane for X-ray afterglows | |||||
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Abstract |
Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with a plateau phase in their X-ray afterglows obey a 3D relation, between the rest-frame time at the end of the plateau, T a , its corresponding X-ray luminosity, L a , and the peak luminosity in the prompt emission, L peak. This 3D relation identifies a GRB fundamental plane whose existence we here confirm. Here we include the most recent GRBs observed by Swift to define a gold sample (45 GRBs) and obtain an intrinsic scatter about the plane compatible within 1σ with the previous result. We compare GRB categories, such as short GRBs with extended emission (SEE), X-ray flashes, GRBs associated with supernovae, a sample of only long-duration GRBs (132), selected from the total sample by excluding GRBs of the previous categories, and the gold sample, composed by GRBs with light curves with good data coverage and relatively flat plateaus. We find that the relation planes for each of these categories are not statistically different from the gold fundamental plane, with the exception of the SSE, which are hence identified as a physically distinct class. The gold fundamental plane has an intrinsic scatter smaller than any plane derived from the other sample categories. Thus, the distance of any particular GRB category from this plane becomes a key parameter. We computed the several category planes with T a as a dependent parameter obtaining for each category smaller intrinsic scatters (reaching a reduction of 24% for the long GRBs). The fundamental plane is independent from several prompt and afterglow parameters. |
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