PT2 - Equivalence Principle Tests |
Speaker_ |
Daishev, Rinat |
Co-autors |
Z. G. Murzakhanov, A. F. Skochilov |
Talk _ |
"Lunar test" of the reasech and engineering project "DULKYN" |
Abstract _ |
In the framework of the reserch and engeneering project "DULKYN", it is suggested to perform an experiment ("Lunar test") in order to determinate the effect of the lunar and solar variations of the geopotential on the oscillation frequency of the resonators belonging to two-resonator laser system of the DULKYN gravitational-wave detector. There are at present at least two ways of describing the response of a mechanical system to the action of a variable gravitational field. The relativistic equation of gravitational wave propagation in elastic media suggested by J. Weber and J. Maugin appreciably differ from each other and predicts differen laws of resonator length and as results different magmitudes of frequency variation of gas laser. The objective of the Lunar test is the resolve the alternative in the theoretical description of mechanical system evolution in the gravitational field. |