CMB3 - CMB Experiment (space) |
Speaker_ |
Hildebrandt, Sergi |
Co-autors |
Rafael Rebolo, Robert A. Watson, José Alberto Rubiño, Carlos Gutiérrez de la Cruz, Elia Battistelli. |
Talk _ |
Observations of the CMB and Galactic Foregrounds at 11-17 GHz: the COSMOSOMAS experiment |
Abstract _ |
In this talk, we present last results from the COSMOSOMAS ground experiment. It observes the sky at 11 to 17 GHz in five channels. The sky region covered is complete in RA and from DEC 20º to 50º. The mean sensitivity is around 50 micro K per beam. The beam size is aprox. 1º square. Evidence for spinning dust at high Galagtic latitudes is discussed. |