
CM2 - Simulations of Relativistic Flows and Compact Objects


Montero, Pedro


General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Magnetized Tori


Relativistic hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic axisymmetric accretion tori orbiting in the background spacetime of a black hole have shown that high density relativistic tori subject to perturbations undergo a persistent oscillation phase and can become a new potential source of gravitational waves. In the case of low density tori, these oscillations may be important in explaining the high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in black hole low mass X-ray binaries. There are however additional physical effects that have not been taken into account in those investigations, such as the effect of magnetic fields. Here, we present an investigation of the dynamics of magnetized relativistic tori around black holes and the effect of magnetic fields on the oscillations phase.  

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