AT2 - Alternative Theories (B) |
Speaker_ |
Babourova, Olga |
Co-autors |
Frolov, Boris |
Talk _ |
Gauged theory of the Poincare-Weyl group, spin-dilatational dark matter and evolution of the universe |
Abstract _ |
The gauge theory for the Poincare-Weyl group is constructed and the Lorentzian, translational and dilatational gauge fields are introduced. The equations of gauge fields, which sources are an energy-momentum tensor, orbital and spin momenta, and also a dilatation current of external fields are obtained. A new direct interaction of the Lorentzian gauge field with the orbital momentum of external fields appears. Spacetime becomes a Weyl-Cartan space, but the tetrads are not true gauge fields. In case of a homogeneous and isotropic universe filled with the spin-dilatational dark matter, endowed with dilatation charge, an Einstein-like equation leads to a modified Friedmann-Lemaitre equation. The evolution of the universe starts from a very small but non-zero size, passes an inflation-like stage with the super-stiff dark matter equation of state, then passes the Friedmann decelerating stage and, at last, comes to a post-Friedmann accelerating era. |