MG16 special poster

MG16 official poster

Proceedings submission started. Deadline October 30, 2021
Here all plenary lectures, public lecture, roundtables and parallel sessions can be found.
The number of participants exceeded 1000!
Preliminary program of MG16 is published!
The number of accepted abstracts exceeded 1000!
- International Organizing Committee
chair: Remo Ruffini, ICRA and ICRANet - International Coordinating Committee
chair: Robert Jantzen, Villanova University - Local Organizing Committee
chair: Gregory Vereshchagin, ICRANet
The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories (MG16) will be organized in virtual format from July 5 to 10, 2021. Registration will be open from March 15 through June 15, 2021. During this six days online conference, a variety of topics will be discussed in the plenary and parallel sessions. Each day there will be three blocks of three hours, one with the plenary session and two with parallel sessions (Central European Summer Time):
6:30-9:30 First block
9:30-12:30 Second block
16:30-19:30 Third block
The first plenary session will start at 9:30 on Monday, the second one will start at 16:30 on Tuesday, the third one at 6:30 on Wednesday and so on. Recordings of plenary session will be available next day on YouTube. Each block will have 10 sessions running in parallel, each session will have 9 talks.
The timeline is:
* March 15, 2021: registration opening
* April 15, 2021: abstract submission opening
* May 31, 2021: registration closure postponed to the end of the meeting
* June 15, 2021: abstract submission closure
The registration fee will be:
* Regular fee:
150 Euros (up to April 1) postponed to the end of the meeting
* Reduced fee:
50 Euros (applied to students, retired scientists and auditors up to April 1) postponed to June 15
After June 15 abstract submission will be closed.
Participants can still register under regular fee without submitting abstracts (as auditors).
As information on plenary and parallel programs, registration and abstract submission becomes available, it will be posted at the associated Indico website:
Contact email: mg16[AT]