November 11, 2006 Dear MG11 participant, This is the second mass emailing regarding the proceedings of our Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting in Berlin last July. We hope it is able to break through the increasingly hostile email environment and spam interceptors to arrive in your mailbox. The details of submitting a contribution to the proceedings are given on the web page: The current deadline is December 31, 2006. The Marcel Grossmann Meetings are somewhat unique among the conferences with 500 to 1000 participants in that we try to give everyone a voice, both at the conference itself and in the proceedings afterwards. In order to maintain the 3 volume size that has characterized the past 3 meetings, which is the economically feasible limit, we have to observe somewhat strict page limits on the contributions. Plenary speakers are allowed up to 20 pages, while ordinary participants are allowed 3 pages on the other, intended to give space for a summary of the main ideas of the contribution and complete references to the work. In between, parallel session chairpersons have the option to contribute a rapporteur article themselves or designate someone else to do so, summarizing the current state of the topic of the parallel session, also with a page limit of 20 pages. If there is a compelling reason to have more than one longer contribution in a given session, this can be discussed, but there were roughly 80 parallel sessions, so in the interests of fairness, this freedom must be used sparingly or it will open up the possibility of exceeding our total feasible page count. The chairpersons as a final task will check over the contributed papers with the Editors, once the final deadline for submission has passed. Where necessary the contributions will be submitted to independent referees. We owe all the chairpersons a debt of gratitude for their volunteer service to the Meeting before, during and after that week in Berlin. Similarly we thank the participants for their contributions to the success of the meeting. Greetings, Remo Ruffini Chair of the International Organizing Committee Hagen Kleinert Chair of the Local Organizing Committee Bob Jantzen Chair of the International Coordinating Committee