MG9 Social Program

All these events are free for registered participants and accompanying persons except for the Meeting banquet. Registered particpants who have paid the registration fee are admitted to the banquet with no additional payment. Extra tickets for the banquet are available at 100 Euro or 100 US dollars per person on a "first come first serve" basis.

Monday 9:15am Group photo on the steps in front of Aula Magna
7:00pm - 8:40pm Exclusive visit to Roman Forum
         8:40pm - 10:30pm Marcel Grossmann Awards Ceremony, Campidoglio
Tuesday 7pm - 9pm Inauguration of Art Show: Form and Sound From Extreme Spacetime
                  University "la Sapienza": Museo Laboratorio (behind Aula Magna)
         9pm - 10pm Concert by the "Bersaglieri" Military Band, Aula Magna
Wednesday Morning General Papal audience for accompanying persons
[tickets available from conference desk]
         7:00pm - 8:40pm Exclusive visit to The Capitolini Museum (Campidoglio)
         7:00pm - 8:40pm Exclusive visit to Roman Forum
         8:40pm - 10:30pm Marcel Grossmann Awards Ceremony, Campidoglio
Thursday 8pm -10pm Recontres between scientists and artists
                  University "la Sapienza": Museo Laboratorio (behind Aula Magna)
Friday 8:30pm - 10:30pm Meeting Banquet, Palazzo Colonna*, Palazzo Lancellotti
*Formal or Semi-formal dress if possible


  Additional tours are available by payment to FASI Congress as follows: 

Tours can be subjected to change depending on weather conditions and number of participants.

A minimum number of 25 participants is requested for each Roman tours. If you are interested in attending one tour or more, please fill in the enclosed Social Program Form and return it to the Organizing Secretariat by June 20, 2000.

If due to organizational problems, the tour or tours chosen will be cancelled, the Organizing Secretariat will propose you an alternative tour. Full day tour include lunch.



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Ancient Rome

Monday July 3, 2000 - Half day

Roman Forum and the Colosseum, Costantine's Arch, Campidogio (half day tour)



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The Vatican City

Thuesday July 4, 2000 - Half day

Visit to Piazza S. Pietro, the Basilica, the Vatican Museums and to the Sistine Chapel.



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Rome and the Baroque Art

Wednsday 5 July, 200 - Half day

A walk through the Baroque Art of Rome, visiting the most representative churches and squares: S. Agnese in Agone, S.Ivo alla Sapienza, S. Ignazio, S. Maria della Pace with the cloister of Bramante, Palazzo Montecitorio and Piazza di Spagna, where the Baroque Art finds its major expression in the Fontana della Barcaccia, a masterpiece by Pietro Bernini.




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Castel Sant'Angelo

Thursday 6 July, 2000 - Full day




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A Tour of the Appia Antica

Frieday 7 July, 2000 - Half day


Walking through The Appia Antica, the most beutiful and ancient Roman street. You can admire the Cecilia Metella Tomb and the Roman plumbermasterpiece.




All these tours include the transfer from the congress site and a professional English speaking guide.




This form should be completed FA.SI. Congress

by June 20, 2000 and sent by fax to: n. Fax 0039-06-8414495


Last Name:  ________________________________________________________

First Name:  ________________________________________________________

Address:       ________________________________________________________

Zipcode: ____________ City: ____________________ Country: _____________

Phone: _______________________________ Fax: ________________________

E-mail: _______________________________


I wish to participate in the following tour/tours:

&127 Ancient Rome US$ 20 X  n. ….   person Tot. US$ ………
&127 The Vatican City US$ 25 X  n. ….   person Tot. US$ ………
&127 Rome and the Baroque Art US$ 20 X  n. ….   person Tot. US$ ………
&127 Castel Sant'Angelo US$ 25 X  n. ….   person Tot. US$ ………
&127 Tour of the Appia Antica US$ 30 X  n. ….   person Tot. US$ ………




FA.SI. Congress ( the organizing secretariat) will give you all the detailed information (meeting, time and so on)