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On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories
(In 2 Parts)

Jerusalem, Israel 22 - 27 June 1997

edited by Tsvi Piran (The Hebrew University)

Since 1975, the Marcel Grossmann Meetings have been organized to provide opportunities for discussing recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. The objective of these meetings is to facilitate exchange among scientists that may deepen our understanding of space–time structures and to review the status of ongoing experiments aimed at testing Einstein's theory of gravitation from either the ground or space.

The Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting took place on 22–27 June, 1997, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. The scientific program included 25 plenary talks and 40 parallel sessions during which 400 papers were presented. The papers that appear in this book cover all aspects of gravitation, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments.


Readership: Graduate students in physics and physicists interested in general relativity, gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology and quantum gravity.

1900pp (approx.) Pub. date: Summer 1999
ISBN 981-02-3793-6(set) US$178 / £119