List of Chinese participants

Bi, Hongguang (毕红光)

Department of Physics
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721,

Title of talk:    

The evolution of  intergalactic medium: observations and prospects.


Chu, Yaoquan Center for Astrophysics
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, Anhui 230026

Title of talk:    

The Science Prospects with LAMOST


Deng, Zugan (邓祖淦) 

Department of Physics,
Graduate School
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O.Box 3908,
Beijing, 100039,
P.R. China

Title of talk:    

Photometric properties of early type galaxies




A sample of nearby early type galaxies have been sorted out from Data Release Two of Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Two Micron All Sky Survey. The color gradients of sampled galaxies have been analyzed. With aid of simple stellar population models we may explain the color gradient in term of age and metallicity gradients. We found that the median value of metallicity gradient of about 0.21 and the age gradient is close to 0.02 with quite large dispersion.
The dependence of gradients to various properties of galaxies has been examined. Implications of our results have been discussed.
 Fang, Li-Zhi (方励之)

Department of Physics
University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

Title of talk:    

Abnormal features of cosmic temperature fluctuations


I will review the past and current studies on the isotropy of the universe with the cosmic microwave background radiation. An "abnormal" feature of the first-year maps of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is the deviation from isotropy of the distribution of the temperature fluctuations on large scales (low-l modes) as well as small scales (high-l modes). The possible relation of this abnormal with dark energy will be addressed.
Feng, Long-Long (冯珑珑)

Purple Mountain Observatory
Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 Beijing, Xi Lu
Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210008,

Title of talk:    

Supersonic turbulence in molecular cloud


Gao, Yu

IPAC and Purple Mountain Observatory

Title of talk:    

The global star formation law and dense molecular gas in galaxies


Jing, Yipeng (景益鹏)

Shanghai Astromonical Observatory
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai, 200030, P.R.China

Title of talk:    

Gas distribution in the Universe


Li, Miao(李淼)

Institute of Theoretical Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 2735
Beijing 100080
, P.R.China

Title of talk:    

String theory and cosmology



We review some problems encountered in applying string theory to cosmology, in particular, we point out that more accurate data of CMB power spectrum will probably reveal secrets of microscopic physics of string theory, and that the discovery of dark energy presents serious challenge to string theory.
Li, Shu Shian Department of Physics
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

Title of talk:    


Mo, Houjun(莫厚俊)

Department of Astronomy
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9305, USA

Title of talk:    



Wang, Lifan (王立帆)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron RD
Berkeley, CA 94712,

Title of talk:    

Supernova cosmology


Wu, Xiang-Ping (武向平)

National Astronomical Observatories
Chinese Academy of Sciences
A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang
Beijing 100012
- P.R.China

Title of talk:    

21 centimeter array: search for the first light of the universe


Xia, Xiaoyang (夏晓阳)

National Astronomical Observatories
Chinese Academy of Sciences
A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang
Beijing 100012, P.R. China

Title of talk:    

The coeval of star formation and black hole growing




We study the properties of infrared-selected QSOs (IRQSOs), optically-selected QSOs (PG QSOs) and Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s).
R QSOsWe compare their properties from the infrared to the optical and examine various correlations among the black hole mass, accretion rate, star formation rate and optical and infrared luminosities.We find that the infrared excess in IR QSOs is mostly in the far infrared, and their infrared spectral indices suggest that the excess emission is from low temperature dust heated by starbursts rather than AGNs. The infrared excess is therefore a useful criterion to separate the relative contributions of starbursts and AGNs.
We further find a tight correlation between the star formation rate and the accretion rate of central AGNs for IR QSOs.
The ratio of the star formation rate and the accretion rate is about several hundred for IR QSOs, but decreases with the central black hole mass. This shows that the tight correlation between the stellar mass and the central black hole mass is preserved in massive starbursts during violent mergers.
We also study an optically-selected QSO sample at high redshift with hyper-luminous far-infrared luminosities.
By applying the criteria we found for low redshift IR QSOs, We find that these high redshift QSOs have far-infrared excess also. We discuss the possible origins of the FIR excess. If it is due to the contribution of starbursts heating the dust, the ratio of the star formation rate to the accretion rate of the central black hole is about several hundred but with large scatter.
Xue, She Sheng(薛社生)

ICRA (International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics)
c/o Dip. Di Fisica,
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
P.Le Aldo Moro, 5-00185 Roma
, Italy

Title of talk:   

Gravitational instanton, inflation and cosmological constant


Quantum fluctuation of unstable modes about gravitational instantons causes the instability of flat space at finite temperature, leading to the spontaneous process of nucleating quantum black holes. The density of vacuum energy-gain in such process gives the cosmological term in the Einstein equation. This naturally results in the inflationary phase of Early Universe. While the reheating phase is attributed to the Hawking radiation of these quantum black holes. In the Standard cosmology era, this cosmological term depends on the reheating temperature and asymptotically approaches to the cosmological constant in matter domination phase, consistently with current observations.
Zhu, Xingfen Center for Astrophysics
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, Anhui 230026

Title of talk:   

